Category Archives: Services

Mobile Application Development

iPhone & iPad, Android, Windows Phone

We can create a custom mobile application for your project, your website, or your company.

We develop mobile apps for Apple iPhones and iPads. We also create apps for Android devices, and for Windows Phones as well.

If you just need a website that looks fine on any device (computer, tablet, or phone), our responsive web designs will help you without the need to spend too much and get very similar results.

Cloud Solutions for Small Businesses

Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud

The Cloud? We are very sure that you have heard this concept. Many people who have heard about it are still scratching their heads because it is not clear what is it, and how can it benefit your business.

The Cloud are huge groups of networks located in enormous buildings dedicated to store information using dedicated servers and communication equipment. You connect to the Cloud via Internet or private networks, using popular protocols and software.

Originally, the Cloud was just a space where you stored backups and simple data, but recently the capabilities of these networks have grown to impressive levels of sophistication and complexity.

Depending on your needs, the Cloud could be beneficial or a complete nightmare. Usually, the golden rule is: If you just need a website, you will get enough from a hosting provider. But if you want a web application that runs every time automatically, and want it to be cost effective, then you will need some services from the Cloud.

We can help you decide if your projects will benefit from using these networks. We have experience working with the Cloud leaders like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.


Web Development: Design, Programming, WordPress

WordPress, PHP, Java, .NET, JavaScript, & Web design

We help you create websites using WordPress, the best Content Management System, that allows our customers to easily update and maintain theirs sites. Here is a description from Google:

But in non-geek speak, it’s probably the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS) in existence today.

Here we can help you choose a hosting provider, set up the WordPress environment, present you with attractive and useful site templates, and customizing them according to your needs.

If you are looking for a website that goes beyond content creation and performs complex tasks or functions, than we can help you build a custom web site with technologies like Java, .NET or other frameworks.


Want to set up your own store on the Internet? We are ready to help you set up an store on eBay or Amazon. And we can help you create one from the beginning with custom code or with Magento!